If you’re worried about your backpack getting/looking dirty, you can always order a cute black one. This bag is a bit smaller than the North Face Backpack, so make sure that your laptop will fit and you’re all set. The umbrella is easy to pack and is foldable, allowing it to fit in your handbag, so you always have it with you. She also likes that she can pack it with books and it’s not too heavy. It’s also a North Face bag, so we know it’s good! It’s exactly what I needed. If you are travelling in areas where the rain is quite heavy, then you should first consult with a tour guide to see whether there is no possibility of flash flooding or other such issues. However, you can prevent your belongings from getting soaked in the rain by having a good water resistant backpack. The Monsoon season usually has days with sudden thunderstorms and pouring rain. When it comes to travelling in the monsoon season, then the first thing that should you should pack is a good strong umbrella. Sometimes, the bad weather tangles the hair, and then comb would be the first thing that a woman would love to have in her handbag.

There is also the increased risk of waterborne diseases such as cholera, etc. This Girl Be Brave water bottle will help you keep clean drinking water wherever you go, do you don’t have to ruin your trip because of a bad stomach. Hence, girls’ keep fresh mints in their bag so that their mouth smells great and no one would ever find it tough to communicate with you in person because of the bad breath. 4. Breath mints – Just like the body odor turns off, similarly the mouth odor. 3. Fragrance – To always smell fresh and odor free, all girls’ keep their signature fragrance handy with them. And as we keep munching on things throughout the day, these bacteria break down the food and produce a decidedly unpleasant odor. Or live turkeys. Or come in roaring and grabbing and throwing things. The weather will be humid and the thunderstorms will come without warning, so you should always be prepared. When it comes to travelling in monsoon, you should always have this umbrella with you as the rains often come suddenly.

You have successfully joined our subscriber list. Subscribe to my weekly newsletter and I will send this college packing list directly to your email. Only a novice traveler will forget to look at the weather conditions before packing their belongings. Always look for a quality backpack to prevent damage to your essential belongings. I must say, most of the cases would leave you disappointed by the quality and texture of the bag. Or sometimes, your girlfriend or wife and even sister must have asked you to not to open the bag, and you could not do much about it and just get away from the bag. If you’re looking for a cool white bag, this one is perfect for you! If you’re looking for a plain bag that will go with anything, this one is perfect! Maybe you’re looking for a backpack or laptop bag to carry to school for yourself or your kids. There’s the stress around choosing the perfect location and then obviously looking at the weather forecast.

If you like this style and want a spacious backpack, this one’s perfect! Girls’ usually keep their fragrance secret as they do not want it to become someone else’s signature fragrance. One of my friends swears by this backpack because she doesn’t want her books or anything in her bag ever to get wet if it rains. One more thing, a woman’s outfit and outing is incomplete without a handbag, she just not feel right without her handbag. So if you have a little girl right now, you can select from a collection of very adorable Hello Kitty bags that will be nice to bring along anywhere. For handbags girlish instance, some of these bags are given long belts so that you can use them as slings and carry them along with comfort and convenience. There are plenty of gifts that fall in the middle though. This bag is like the Mary Poppins bag because you can store soo much in it, and there is even an expandable zipper on it. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase for any reason, you may return it to us for a full refund, store credit, or an exchange.